Celebrating the creative spark

that lives within each of us 💛

the yellow frame project Mission

Our volunteer service at various care facilities has brought us together with some wonderful people, some in life-limiting circumstances. The grace and courage we have witnessed have profoundly enriched our lives. We have seen the challenges that many face through the loss of purpose, the diminishment of mobility, the absence of opportunities allowing their creative spirits to flourish.

In numerous situations, we have observed how simple artistic pursuits could reenergize and spark a renewed interest in life. Whether the projects were done independently or coordinated by care facility staff, the joy in doing was often enough. It invigorated, and was sometimes restorative.

These observations, in particular, were brought home through our friendship and encounters with Lois “Jeanne” Walker, a longtime family friend. Lost in grief following the death of her husband, Jeanne was enlivened and prompted to reengage with life through her artistic endeavors. She colored. How simple an act. But how powerful it was. And it spurred us to action.

While the creative efforts of each individual have been thrilling to watch on their own, we soon came to realize that the work also deserved a showcase, that it merited attention and praise. That it, in turn, could be the stimulus for others to reconnect with their imagination and longing to express themselves.

Simultaneously, time spent at garage and estate sales and in secondhand shops alerted us to the bounty of unwanted picture frames in the world. It was our Eureka moment.

Why not take those unloved, low-cost frames and turn them into a gallery for the unrecognized creative output of those in care facilities? Why not establish small galleries to display the works of residents? Call it a bit of creative conservation.

To shine the spotlight on the works and to give them a unifying presence, we envisioned each frame painted a sunshine yellow.

And so was born the Yellow Frame Project.

What you get

The premise for the Yellow Frame Project is simple and without cost:

•  The Project provides sunshine yellow frames to participating entities.
•  A designated gallery is established in each participating facility.
•  A commitment is made to showcase the creative work of all who wish to take part. Any medium. Any style. No judgment. No required skills. No limits. All amazing.
•  The Project in no way competes with the essential work of activity/program directors or art therapists.
•  The Yellow Frame Project kit will include signage and descriptive information.

At it’s core, the Yellow Frame Project is simply there to shine a spotlight on the creative expression of the doers and makers, energize those involved, and give a bit of well-deserved public recognition to the creative spark that dwells in everyone.

21Alive News: A Community That Cares

May 26th, 2023

Morning anchor Kayla Stewart interviews Brian Crowl from The Yellow Frame Project

I color every day and get more and more enjoyment from it. My attention goes to what colors to use and less on my own discomforts.
— Alisa Gearhart